Models that have been derived for individual partitions are first decomposed into conditions, that is single conditions or conditions that are INUS (insufficient conditions that are necessary parts of a conjunction that is unnecessary and sufficient). The individual conditions are aggregated using UpSet plots to determine how frequent they are individually and in combination.

upset_conditions(df, nsets)



Dataframe created with partition_min or partition_min_inter.


Number of sets to include in plot (default is 5).


An UpSet plot produced with upset.


data(Grauvogel2014) GS_pars <- partition_min( dataset = Grauvogel2014, units = "Sender", cond = c("Comprehensiveness", "Linkage", "Vulnerability", "Repression", "Claims"), out = "Persistence", n_cut = 1, incl_cut = 0.75, solution = "P", BE_cons = rep(0.75, 3), BE_ncut = rep(1, 3)) upset_conditions(GS_pars, nsets = 5)